Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New life, New name, New SSC

So I spent the morning getting a massage. Got to love a deep tissue rejuvenation to start the day! Especially when the next stop on my list was the Social Security Administration. Not fun. Ever.
But I did my research ahead of time and showed up with my manila envelope containing my Marriage License, a copy of my marriage license, my birth certificate, old SS card and my driver's license. Plus a waiver to sign over my first born if need be.
Not necessary, as it turns out. I waited for half an hour listening to all sorts of sad tales of children facing jail time who needed a copy of their SSC; a new mother trying to get a card for her baby who was turned down because she had no proof that she was, in fact, the mother; a young dude trying to interview for summer jobs, who didn't realize he had a SSN or a SSC and was here to inquire. Awesome.
So, needless to say, my case was quick and painless. Showed my original Marriage License and turned over my old SSC. That's it. My new card will now read Mrs. Marshall. Weird!

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